A Fanciful Twist Halloween Party – Halloween Party https://raissashalloweenparty.raissaspatola.com Have A Spooktactular Time Tue, 08 Oct 2019 22:34:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.5 https://i0.wp.com/raissashalloweenparty.raissaspatola.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/cropped-HalloweenAnimatedBanner-1.gif?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 A Fanciful Twist Halloween Party – Halloween Party https://raissashalloweenparty.raissaspatola.com 32 32 194778438 Welcome… https://raissashalloweenparty.raissaspatola.com/2010/10/welcome-to-my-laboratory/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=welcome-to-my-laboratory https://raissashalloweenparty.raissaspatola.com/2010/10/welcome-to-my-laboratory/#comments Sat, 16 Oct 2010 00:58:29 +0000 http://raissashalloweenparty.raissaspatola.com/2010/10/welcome-to-my-laboratory/ Good day…Before you enter my master’s lair…take heed…

The Warning

As sudden thunder
Pierces the night;
As magic wonder,
Wild affright,
Rives asunder
Men’s delight;
Our ghost, our corpse and we
Rive to be.

As flies the lizard
Serpent fell;
As goblin vizard
At the spell
Of pale wizard
Sinks to hell:
Our life, our laugh our lay
Pass away.

As wake the morning
Trumpets bright;
As snowdrop, scorning
Winter’s might,
Rises warning
Like a sprite:
We buried, dead and slain
Rise again.

Oh, please Igor you’ll scare these nice people away! Please do not listen to him, he likes to be dramatic! That was just a famous poem from Thomas Lovell Beddoes. Come, come, come inside. I have a story to tell you, so please stay for a spell.

But first, may I interest you in a drink? Please, name your poison…

Now, that we’re all settled in. Let me begin. It all started on October 31st in the haunted house high uptop a spooky hill

Ever since she was a little girl she liked to experiment with paper, you know what they call papercrafting. She had no friends, everyone was afraid of the family that lived on that haunted hill. So instead she made her own friends out of paper. Take for example Frankie here…

She even made him brains…but the worms ate them

She experimented with candy…

And even tried selling some of her concoctions…

But these just scared people away. She had a brain storm after meeting with a family friend…but these tiny treats seemed to cast a spell on people (reese’s peanut butter cupitis).

She decided to stick to making cards… and would recite her most favorite Halloween poetry while she made them:

The ghosts of all things past parade,
Emerging from the midst and shade
That hid them from our gaze,
And, fall of song and ringing mirth,
In one glad moment of rebirth,
And again they walk the ways of earth
As in the ancient days.

The beacon light shines on the hill,
The will-o’-wisps the forests fill
With flashes filched from noon;
And witches on their broomsticks spry
Speed here and yonder in the sky,
And lift their strident voices high
Unto the Hunter’s Moon.

The air resounds with tuneful notes
From myriads of straining throats,
All hailing Folly Queen;
So join the swelling choral throng,
Forget your sorrow and your wrong,
In one glad hour of joyous song
To honor Hallowe’en!

Oh, no, I think you’ve had too much to drink! Here, here, stand up straight!

Hurry you must go its almost midnight…fare thee well..back to Ms Vanessa’s you must go!

All paper products & rubber stamps © Stampin Up! Check back for a full list of stamping supplies.

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